Sunday 7 September 2014

More mixed fortune for James Kellett at Rockingham.


It proved an eventful first race at Rockingham Speedway track for James Kellett, with a poor 5th position for James after the free practice however team mate Lando Norris was leading the session, it was hoped that a better qualifying will be the order of the day, and indeed it was, James, again proved that when it matters he can get to the top no matter what is thrown at him, he happily placed his Ginetta in P2 for the first race, but he was only 0.05 away from taking pole.

These very small gaps between each car goes to show how fiercely fought this championship is becoming, and is becoming THEE support race that has to be watched after the main event, they may be classed at young adults or kids, but they are not shy when it comes to showing what they are made of, and it bodes well for the future, for whatever race series these great racers decide to move up into, I feel that James has a great future, with BTCC being the best UK based race series where he could shine, and if moving to WTCC is good enough for Rob Huff, James Thompson and Jason Plato, then it is good enough for James.

But, I digress, James was off to a flyer when there was an incident between him and Norris, where James took a corner too wide sending him into a spin and sending him right back into 17th position, however, James proved how good he is by gradually working his way back through the field and passing each and every driver on his way to gain an excellent 3rd position at the flag, but then unfortunately and unexpectedly was given a 30 second penalty for a false start, it is these sorts of stupid decisions that can give a race series a bad reputation.

The fact that James fought his way back through the field into a podium position shows how good this youngster is, and it is stupid decisions like that, that makes all that hard work seem worthless, but it is not, it is all valuable experience, 


With James Kellett and Jamie Caroline heading the field on this lovely warm day, the engine noise grows into a roar, as the flag drops James pulls slightly forward, and takes first position but as they head to the hairpin they all compress and all mange to get around the first bend, Lando makes up a position and Zelos follows, James has pulled a very small gap on Caroline, and with no incidents as the first lap comes to a close, the guys are really fighting it out for position.

The front two have pulled away from 3rd and James continues to lead,  but Caroline pulls level and fails to pull in front, Esmee Hawkey spins off as the come around to conclude the second lap of eight, Ben Pearson shoves it up inside and takes a position, lap three starts with James still in front, Zelos is 4th and a large incident between Hadfield and Proctor means they both spin and lose out with both back in the last two positions.

The cars are now really spreading out with James still in the lead, Chadwick is 4th and Norris takes second after a mistake by Caroline, as lap four carries on the cars are spreading out, and Norris has taken the fastest lap and is gradually pulling up on James, but he wont be an easy car to pass, these little Ginetta's are great sporty cars that have some real power, these guys really know how to deliver that power extremely well.

Lap five has begun with Flashman spinning, and James still in the lead with team mate Norris behind, further back the racing is getting aggressive with pushing and shoving to get past, lap six continues with the front two still in their respective position and with a large gap back to third, it is looking like a HHC walkover in round 16 at Rockingham.

Senna Proctor was in 9th as he pulls off, after his bonnet starts to lift, James starts the last lap well in front, and he has not put a wheel wrong throughout round 16, the last few corners have more bashing and crashing further back, James comes around the final corner, and takes the chequered flag for another great win for, Lando Norris 2nd, Dan Zelos 3rd, Jamie Caroline 4th, this race was not a very action packed, as we have seen many times this season, but we don't need action, we need James to carry on winning and getting to the championship lead.

However with only four more rounds left in the Ginetta Championship, it is really looking like James will be unable to claw back 80 points just to draw level with Jack Mitchell who is head and shoulders above all the rest, but it has to be said, Jack has not won a race for some while, so you never know, a couple of DNF's and a solid finish for James in the remaining races for 2014, and we may well have a fight for the lead going into the last round.

Well Done James, another great result, itt was a shame that a dubious deciion on Saturday meant that further points were lost, and at this stage of the season, every single point is needed to try and get that championship lead, this years racing has proved yet again, that the Ginetta Juniors have as much talent, grit and determination as far more experienced and older drivers in bigger race series.

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