Tuesday 20 January 2015

Toyota's Mirai has gained a large number of orders, I would suggest the new owners are totally blind

I am really sorry to have to say this, but, WHO designed this car, were they on drugs or just on a a very bad day, and then WHO okayed it, this car is without doubt the UGLIEST car i have seen for many years, it even makes some of the stunners from Ssangyong look like super models, this car should not be allowed on the roads for fear of causing accidents when other drivers stare in disbelief at how dreadfully ugly this is.


Mirai, Toyota’s first hydrogen-powered production car, has amassed an exceptional 1,500 orders in its first month on sale in Japan. Due for introduction in the UK later this year, the ground-breaking saloon has far exceeded expectations: Toyota’s initial plan was to sell about 400 units by the end of this year.

Due to the large volume of orders received, Toyota expects some customers will experience longer waits for delivery than originally expected. The orders taken so far divide roughly 60:40 between government/fleet customers and private individuals.

These early adopters of Toyota’s hydrogen fuel cell technology will be the first to experience a new chapter in zero-emissions driving. Mirai’s motor is powered by electricity generated through a chemical reaction between air-borne oxygen and hydrogen in an on-board fuel cell.

The car combines excellent environmental performance – the only tailpipe emission is water – with a fun-to-drive character. Its market launch has the potential to further accelerate energy diversification and help build a future society in which hydrogen is a core energy source.

To help encourage the development of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles, Toyota recently made thousands of its global hydrogen fuel cell patents available to others, free of any royalties.

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