Wednesday 23 January 2013

After the UK Government Expenses scandal, is this the next one, parking/transport expenses.

The British motoring magazine "Auto Express" has investigated our politicians, this time for motoring related expenses, for those who remember, back in 2009 the Telegraph group produced a report of ministers expenses claims, this involved members from all main parties, and concluded with a number of high profile arrests, and imprisonments, even the House of Lords was not exempt from the scandal, two Lords were charged and imprisoned.

Now, according to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority our wonderful politicians have fleeced over £4 million from the public's pocket, well, fleeced might be a strong word, as I am sure that they were all claimed in all honesty, but are they justified, as you can see below, a list of who and how much, and will this become another scandal.

The "gentleman" above Mr Khalid Mahmood claimed nearly £13k for using his own car, I find it quite remarkable that motoring charges can be added up at over £250 per week, especially when Parliament is open for 150 days a year, are these charges correct, has there been a mistake made, or is it something more, I leave it for you to judge but a top ten list of own car expenses is below.

"Auto Express" also worked out that the amount that was claimed by Mr Mahmood could have purchased him a brand new Dacia Sandaro Access at £5995 and then the remaining money would be enough to take him 53,840 miles, that's about 5 years of average driving, not bad is it ?

The second section for claims that "Auto Express" looked into was for parking expenses, these included parking at airports, staff parking and other "within constituency travel", personally I find it odd that not all the Scottish MP's are not claiming this amount, as surely they have the same if not further distances to travel, anyway, we all know parking charges are high in main cities, so lets see what's been charged to the public purse with these top ten.

Well, looky here, Mr Doran, another, like Mr Mahmood, Labour MP, was at the top of the claimers list for "parking charges", again thats about £100 per week, which is a great deal, like I said before, parliament is only open for 150 days a year, so where is he parking to get nearly double the second place.

Now the odd thing is and maybe I am wrong, but surely if you are claiming so much money in own car expenses, surely your parking charges would be high also, but none of the top ten are on the above list, but the claiming doesn't stop there there is another section, "toll/congestion charge", these are charges for using private roads and driving within congestion charge areas of cities where excessive amounts of vehicles were apparent, with Parliament inside the congestion charge area it is obvious charges will be claimed back, the Lady at the top is the biggest name in politics within these three lists.

Apparently Ms Becketts office confirmed that she applied for a yearly congestion charge, because “Mrs Beckett says she did not drive in London before 2010 and was unfamiliar with the charge. She was told the best thing was to pay for the entire year so she was always covered. She was unaware of other options. If there is an alternative, she’ll certainly be looking into it.” my biggest surprise there is that she actually did it her self and didn't get one of the staff to sort it out for her, but good on her for doing it herself, if indeed she did.

Did you notice that the top claimers on each list were from one political party, I did, it will be interesting, if indeed there will be an investigation in these claims, how Labour will approach it, if indeed it ever gets that far, teh remaining nine are :-

Stephen O'Brien and Khalid O'Brien appear on two lists, these are the only two that take up a place in the top ten on two lists, I fully understand that expenses have to be paid, and I have no issues with this, however, if anyone is found to be doing something that is not in line with guidelines or policy I am happy for them to be disciplined for it, If any of teh above are not legitimate only they will know, If none of them are dodgy, then that's great, I am glad that they know what they can claim for and that we the general public, again, have to put our hands in our pockets to pay for there days out.

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