Monday 20 October 2014

Porsche becomes the very first corporate company to hire out the Sistine Chapel

The iconic sports car maker, Porsche, has achieved another world first, they are the first company anywhere, that has hosted a corportae event within the walls of teh Sistine Chapel, in the Vatican City.
Last Saturday evening saw a small elite group of around 40 guests, all paying around 5,000 Euros, to attend this once in a lifetime event. The schedual of events for the night included a classical music concert, followed by a sumptuous dinner in the museum, "surrounded by masterpeices from world renown artists like Raphael and Michelangelo.

A detailed schedual of events can be found HERE, This amazing event has come about due to the current Pope, Pope Francis allowing the chapel to be hired out for private events and functions, and in allowing this, all proceeds raised from the hire, will be going towards the local charities helping the poor and homeless.
This occasion is part of a Porsche tour that also includes further events in and around Rome, and a further couple of days driving, so if you have the money and wish to have the ultimate venue for your private function, then this is surely the best place on earth to have one.
This Sistine Chapel currently gets around six million visitors annually, with the world famous sistine Chapels painted ceiling just one of the main draws to this iconic venue, however, concerts have taken place before within the sacred walls but these have usually been for church related events, the Pope sis not attend the event, but if he had, i am sure he would have liked to have seen the aray of cars present.
His holiness, once he was ordained, requested that the church be poor, for the poor, and he has openly shyed away from the trappings of luxury that had gone before, he has even opened up the Vatican gardens to the public and he, himself, lives very modestly in a simple apartment, but for now, Porsche, can state forever, that they were the first to have a non religious event held at the Sistine Chapel, and thats one huge one upmanship for the German sports car brand.
Jon Mower

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