Sunday 16 November 2014

Latest Poll puts Prince Harry as the best passenger, Harry Styles has dropped down.

In a poll conducted to celebrate the launch of the fashion-inspired special edition SEAT Mii by MANGO city car, it seems that the women of the UK have very clear ideas about who they want to have travelling alongside them.

Prince Harry rises to the top, with a quarter of those questioned wanting the handsome Royal next to them as they drive around the city. Some things don’t change though, as David Beckham shows his undying appeal, coming a close second with 21%. Victoria on the other hand didn’t fair so well, near bottom with 6%.

It seems no one wants to take the chance of having their driving judged, with Simon Cowell getting a mere 8%. The big shock is so-called ‘dream boy’ Harry Styles, who received a measly 5%, which goes to show that looks don’t always count. Embattled PM David Cameron can find no comfort in the fact that he gained only 3% of the vote, though some might say ‘as expected’.

Jennifer Lawrence leads the way with 18% of those asked choosing the Hunger Games star as their ultimate female car companion. Amazingly, Prince Harry’s sister-in-law Kate Middleton (17%) beat BeyoncĂ© (10%) of those polled. Perhaps UK women are hoping Kate will spill the beans on her Royal brother-in-law.

When questioned about the age-old driving battle of the sexes, the poll goes on to show that women are more confident than they have ever been about their motoring abilities, with 70% considering themselves to be far more skilled drivers than the men in their lives. 

And to add insult to injury to the men who still think they’re King of the road, 49% of women believe they have a better sense of direction than their male counterparts.

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