Saturday 1 November 2014

Skoda annouces sales, revenue and profits for first nine months of 2014.

  • ŠKODA deliveries up by 13 per cent to 774,100 vehicles
  • Sales revenue increases by 19.3 per cent to 8.8 billion euros to end of September
  • Operating profit up by 75.5 per cent to 651 million euros
  • New ŠKODA Fabia is advancing the biggest model campaign in ŠKODA history
The Czech manufacturer ŠKODA remains on the right track and continues to show profitable growth. In the first nine months of 2014, deliveries to customers worldwide increased by 13 per cent to 774,100 vehicles. Over the same period, sales revenue went up by 19.3 per cent to 8.8 billion euros. Operating profit rose to 651 million euros; a growth of 75.5 per cent compared to the same period last year. 

"ŠKODA has continued to successfully implement its growth programme over the course of the year so far," says ŠKODA CEO Prof. Dr. h.c. Winfried Vahland. "The double-figure increase in deliveries and the significant growth of sales revenue and results show that our new, attractive model range is going down well in the international markets. Over the coming years, we want to grow further still and convert new customer groups to the brand. From November, the new ŠKODA Fabia will ignite the next stage of our model campaign," says Prof. Dr. Vahland.

In the first nine months of this year, ŠKODA achieved revenues amounting to 8.8 billion euros; an increase of 19.3 per cent compared to last year. Over the same period, operating profit rose by 75.5 per cent to 651 million euros (January to September 2013: 371 million euros). 
Alongside increased deliveries, the effects of mixes as well as improved product costs contributed to the better profit. In addition, the first nine months of 2013 were influenced by the start of production of the new ŠKODA Octavia. 

With 7.4 per cent, the operating margin at the end of September was considerably higher than last year’s 5 per cent. Net liquidity rose by 40.6 per cent to 2.278 billion euros. Investments reached 362 million euros (January to September 2013: 458 million euros). 

"ŠKODA is experiencing profitable growth," says ŠKODA member of the Board of Management for Commercial Affairs Winfried Krause. "The growth of both operating profit and net liquidity is proof of our financial solidity and strength. In light of high demands from the markets, cost discipline remains our top priority," says Krause. 

ŠKODA AUTO Group operating figures as of 30 September 2014:

% change
Deliveries to customersvehicles774,100685,000+13.0
Deliveries to customers, excluding Chinavehicles575,800507,300+13.5
Sales revenuemillion EUR8,7847,365+19.3
Operating profitmillion EUR651371+75.5
Operating profit in % of sales revenue%7.45.0-
Investments (w/o capitalized development costs)million EUR362458-21.0
Net liquiditymillion EUR2,2781,620+40.6

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