Wednesday 29 July 2015

New petition urges Schools to start teaching driving and driving standards in school - GREAT IDEA....

  • Experts say 400 lives could be saved by teaching youngsters to drive from an earlier age
  • People urged to sign the petition at
Major motoring organisations and experts are backing a petition urging the Government to include driving on the school curriculum. The petition has been launched in a bid to help cut the high number of accidents involving newly qualified drivers on the UK’s roads. 

Launched by Young Driver, the UK’s largest provider of pre-17 driving lessons, the petition already has backing from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), the RAC, the Driving Instructors Association (DIA), the Association of British Insurers (ABI), the Motor Schools Association of Great Britain (MSA), Admiral, Goodyear and Quentin Willson, motoring presenter and expert.
One in five new drivers has an accident within six months of passing their test and road traffic accidents account for 25 per cent of the deaths of 15-19 year olds in the UK, compared to just 0.5 per cent of the overall adult population. Every year 400 people are killed in accidents involving young drivers.
The petition does not propose lowering the age at which people can take to the roads, but instead suggests youngsters should start to be taught about driving at school, via both practical and classroom based lessons.
Independent research undertaken on behalf of Young Driver showed that past pupils of the scheme, which takes students from age 11, are half as likely to have an accident when they do pass their test. Pilot studies in Europe have also shown a 40 per cent reduction among novice driver groups who trained at school.
Kim Stanton from Young Driver explains: “Driving a vehicle is potentially one of the most dangerous and responsible things a person can do. Learning to drive should be done over a long period of time, and from a young age, when pupils are more receptive to safety messages. Evidence-based research shows that road safety messages are better absorbed by children in their early teens rather than at driving age.  By having this take place at school it can be made inclusive for all. We urge people to sign this petition so we can get this issue in front of the people with the power to change things.”
Mark Lewis, Director of Standards for the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), added: “The high number of accidents and the sad loss of life as a result of unprepared young drivers urgently needs to be tackled. Quite obviously the driving education that youngsters are currently receiving is inadequate. 
At the IAM we can help prepare people for more advanced driving situations once they have passed their test, but there needs to be more done at an earlier stage. Learning such an important skill shouldn’t potentially be done and dusted in a few short months. That’s why I strongly believe people should sign this petition and get the subject debated in the House of Commons.”
Quentin Willson, motoring expert and presenter, added: “Both my son, age 16, and daughter, age 11, have started having driving lessons with Young Driver. I think it’s vital – it’s a road safety revolution in the making. If we could get this on the curriculum, so the opportunity was open to all, it would have huge ramifications in terms of the safety of our young people. And, as both a father and road user, that’s certainly something I want to back. 100,000 signatures could help save 400 precious lives every year.”
To add your signature to the petition visit: 

This is a really great idea, with the cost of driving going through the roof, and kids just doing the basics to pass a test, before getting cars, and not knowing how to drive properly, school participation would be an ideal place to give kids of 15/16 a start, getting them to learn the highway code, the rights and wrongs, forward planning and observation, as well as a couple of lessons, on private land of course.

These kids, are all vocal about how great they are at everything, and how they can drive like Alonso, but recently at an Experience day (I had purchased an event for my partner), there were this group of kids all gobbing off, about being so great and so expert, how they were going to drive around faster than anyone else, yet all of them, without exception, got in their car, and drove around at about 20mph.

At one stage, they were going sooooooo slowly, they pulled all the other drivers off the course, so that they could get a proper drive after the kids had been finished with, and as each one got out of their car, they all looked sheepish and heads down, whilst everyone else just laughed - Kids these days just try to "BIG UP" themselves, and do everything to look cool, and it is these idiots that end up crashing, injuring and possibly killing people, so early intervention would be a great idea.

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