Thursday 24 December 2015

RSA & Gardaí Publish Provisional End of Year Review of Road Fatalities & Renew Festive Road Safety Message

RSA and Gardaí Publish Provisional End of Year Review of Road Fatalities & Renew Festive Road Safety Message

Road deaths decline by 19% in 2015 compared to 2014.
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and An Garda Síochána have today published a provisional review of road fatalities for 2015. The review shows that as of 22 December 2015, there have been 154 deaths following 148 fatal collisions on Irish roads. This represents 37 fewer deaths (-19%) and 29 fewer fatal crashes compared to the same day in 2014.

Commenting on the provisional review, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Mr Paschal Donohoe TD said: “While every death is one too many, the progress we are making in reducing the number of fatalities on our roads is encouraging. 

It is estimated, however, that a further 8 people may die over the Christmas period, further highlighting the fact that the opportunity is there for each and every one of us to prevent this from happening by making good choices whether we are out walking, cycling, biking or driving. But not only can we save more lives we also have the possibility of making 2015 the safest year on our roads, since we began recording road deaths in 1959. 
Such an achievement would be a fitting tribute and mark of respect to the many thousands of people who have died or been injured on the road. So together let’s make this Christmas a safe one and save lives.”
The provisional review of fatalities from January to December 2015 found that:
• Road deaths have declined by 19% compared to last year (191 compared to 154) with reductions in all road-user groups 
• There have been 20 fewer Vehicle Occupant deaths (-18%)
• There have been 14 fewer Vulnerable Road User deaths (-19%)
• Broken down into road user category; 69 drivers, 25 passengers, 31 pedestrians, 20 motorcyclists and 9 cyclists have been killed on Irish roads.
• There have been decreases across all categories of road user to date in 2015. 
o 36% reduction in passenger deaths 
o 25% reduction in cycling deaths 
o 21% reduction in pedestrian deaths 
o 8% reduction in driver deaths 
o 13% reduction in motorcycle deaths 
• The biggest single reduction in deaths when analysed by age group was among children aged 15 years and under. Deaths dropped from 15 to 3 representing an 80% decline in child fatalities.
• Nineteen of the 69 drivers (28%) killed and 8 of the 25 passengers (32%) were confirmed as not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the collision.   
• April 2015 was the safest month of the year (8 deaths), and July 2015 was the most lethal with 20 deaths. The Monthly average fatality rate to date in 2015 is 13 (compared to 16 in 2014).
• 34 deaths per million population was recorded in 2015 compared to 42 per million in 2015. Ireland has set a target of reducing deaths to 25 per million by 2020.

Moyagh Murdock, Chief Executive, Road Safety Authority said: "it is very encouraging to see that there are fewer people killed on our roads in 2015 compared to last. I want to thank everyone for their efforts in making this happen because it is your achievement. But I’m also conscious that this will be little comfort to the 154 families left with an empty spot around the dinner table this Christmas. 

I want to therefore renew our public appeal earlier this month and ask everyone to take care on the roads and to also take ownership of road safety in your communities. This means slowing down, wearing the seatbelt, not using the mobile or drink driving. It means being seen if you are out walking, cycling or biking. 

Finally, given the really challenging weather conditions we’ve experienced recently it also means taking extra care because we simply do not know what’s around the next corner.”

Chief Superintendent Mark Curran, Garda National Traffic Bureau, An Garda Síochána said: “An Garda Síochána is now into the fourth week of its annual festive road safety campaign and while the majority of road users are clearly taking extra care and taking responsibility for their actions, there are others who are not. 
Among them are 381 people who have been arrested for intoxicated driving. It’s simply not worth the risk, don’t drink drive and be aware that you may not be safe to drive the morning after. This message is also aimed at passengers.  
Don’t put your life in someone else’s hands who may have been drinking. Make sure your driver, whoever it is, is legally fit to drive.”
The RSA and An Garda Síochána are renewing their appeal to road-users to:
• Reduce speed, always a wear safety belt, watch out for other road users
• Ensure passengers always wear their safety belt and never distract the driver
• Never use your phone while driving 
• If you’re feeling tired, Stop, Sip and Sleep 
• Pedestrians, make yourself visible and always take care crossing the road
• Cyclists, be seen, obey rules of the road and take great care around large vehicles
• Motorcyclists, be seen, wear appropriate PPE (Personal Protection Equipment ) and slow down
• Parents/guardians, make road safety a priority in your ‘Back to School’ preparations.

Enforcement Figures

January to November 2015
SpeedingMobile PhonesSeatbeltsDrink Driving

*As of 1st December 2015
** As of 1st November 2015

All figures are provisional, operational and subject to change

Number of DUI arrests since December 1st

• There have been 381 drivers arrested on suspicion of driving whilst intoxicated
• 7,326 drivers arrested YTD
• Will you be one of the 200-300 drivers arrested between now and the New Year?

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