Sunday 26 July 2015

SPAIN - Heat Wave continues to bite, with a vast increase in breakdowns, so what to do !

  • From 26 June to 15 July, coinciding with the heat wave that lives Spain, RACE has made 41,086 records roadside assistance, representing a 59.6% increase over the same period of 2014.
  • For such problems, tires and batteries are at the top of the reasons that require roadside assistance.
  • To 81.5 million trips this summer, the RACE recommended that before were carried out proper vehicle maintenance as a basic security check levels and reduces the risk of problems during the trip.
The Barometer fault the Royal Automobile Club of Spain -RACE analyzed the mechanical problems caused by the heat wave, with an increase of 59.6% over the same period of 2014. 

The intensity heat, coupled with a lack of maintenance, leading to increased motor weakness, which in many cases could have been avoided with a small security check and levels before the journey. 

With regard to the problems identified by rising temperatures, include cases of engine (which more than doubles) and water loss (160% more).

The heat affects the engine, and only through its maintenance and proper driving, can reduce the risk of damage. 

In this sense, the mechanical problems related to temperature are very complicated to solve in situ, causing further injury to travelers, who look like the car is towed to a garage, on the one hand, and they must continue the journey or waiting for repair, through the means used for its roadside assistance while the breakdown of your vehicle is solved.

The analysis of more than 41,000 problems analyzed by the RACE shows an increase in heat-related failures, and in many cases affects various parts of the engine. Any symptoms, you must stop in a safe place, and call for assistance.
  • Tables with detailed information in the attached document
Mechanical tips
  • Check the coolant level in the expansion boat before a trip, not forgetting also check the oil level as it is essential to cool the motor.
  • Be careful when parking in a mountain area stubble or after prolonged movement: the contact of the catalyst or the exhaust pipe with dry mountain areas can cause a fire.
  • During the trip, keep track of witnesses in temperature, especially in stationary traffic. If the car suffers overheating, stop in a safe place as soon as possible, stop the engine and do not touch anything of it because of the risk of burns from the engine or liquids. Call your assistance. And if you happened more times, it would be advisable to carry a bottle with water or coolant in the trunk.
  • The cooling system will allow the interior of the car is cool. If this does not work, you can cause the engine to warm up faster.
  • Monitors the pressure, state and tire tread, and catching a lot of heat.
  • Avoid driving aggressively as when braking, the heat generated by the friction with the pads and the outside heat makes your cooling more difficult. Life by reducing overheating, plus also the brake fluid is exhausted.
General tips for reducing the impact of extreme heat
  • Extreme heat and evaporates liquid components deteriorates, so we always try to keep the car well ventilated and airy, and parked in shade.
  • If we leave the car exposed to the sun a long time, we must protect the inside with a protective hood and the wheel, reducing the temperature inside something
  • Before starting off, leaving windows and doors open for 30 seconds, and then turn on the air conditioner.
  • Avoid travel in the warmest hours of the day, especially if you travel with children, seniors, even pets, who suffer greatly.
  • Protect the rear windows with sunscreens, to avoid direct sunlight. Beat the heat with comfortable, breathable clothing, sunglasses and make regular stops on long trips depart rest and hydrate.
  • Maintain a temperature inside the cabin between 21 -22 degrees continuously, trying to avoid putting the air jet directly give us the body. Open the windows periodically to avoid a very dry environment.

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